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is the Grade 8 admission
information page for the Top School in Johannesburg's
northern suburbs. You can now join the Grade 8 admissions information mailing list for 2026 (and beyond) |
Please add
our APP to your phone now.
https://myschool.org.za/BryanstonHigh/app Great news! To make the Grade 8 admissions process easier, you can now add our App to your phone. This will ensure that all information is easily accessible to you, and we can reach you with notifications for urgent updates. Our OPEN DAY is on Sat 1 March 2025 Please install our App for more info and updates. Please add our APP to your phone now. Please add our APP to your phone now. Please add our APP to your phone now. |
The below
information is for the 2024 intake.
For 2025 and beyond, please use our App. Please add our APP to your phone now.
![]() Hello to you and welcome to the start of your child's high school adventure. My name is Gavin Kennedy, and together with June Corlett and Shernita Sumair, who head up our admissions team, we're going to do everything we can to help make this transition to high school as smooth and stress-free as we can. Let me start by saying thank you for considering us as one of your options. This is one of those handful of 'big parenting moments' in life when we get to make an important choice in the best interests of our child and family. And as such, it should be taken seriously and considered diligently. Some parents choose a school because their child's friends are going there, only for their child to make an entirely new group of friends within weeks of starting there. Some parents choose based on the school's academic track record, or sporting/cultural achievements. Others simply because it's the closest school. As with many things in life, there is no universally correct answer here. It's a deeply personal decision for each family and should be seriously researched and considered. And while your child's input is certainly important, the final decision should not be left 100% in the hands of a 12 or 13 year old. After all, would you give that same young person a blank cheque to go and buy your next car? Or home? Our team has been assisting parents with admissions for many years now and one thing I can tell you for certain is that some aspects of the Gauteng Department of Education's (GDE) process change every year. As a result, over the coming weeks and months you'll hear stories and rumours and all sorts of misinformation - much of which will add to your stress and greying hair. Please, take a breath, stay calm, and ignore 'car-park skinder' and mischief - we've got this! We will keep you updated with information and key dates as we travel towards Grade 8 together. Now, where to start? |
Before you join our pre-admissions mailing list, it's important that we point out a few fundamental things about our school:
If you're still reading, and still interested, then please join our pre-admissions mailing list, it is really important that you do so with a personal email address. Please do not use a work email as our mails to @eskom @nedbak @discovery and many others are regularly blocked. Also, we know that parents change jobs during the process and then stop receiving updated information. So again, please use only personal email addresses. Remember, preference is given to families who live in our Feeder Area (see GDE map) or attend one of our Feeder Schools. Other considerations include where you work and if you currently have a child in our school in Grades 8 - 11. See the detailed list below. You are welcome to join our very active Facebook Page to stay connected and informed. |
Grade 8 Admissions Process Calendar The indicated months are estimated at this stage and will very likely change. We'll continually update this info as we progress so please bookmark and re-visit this page regularly. |
Day & Tours![]() |
January | Your child's last year of primary school starts - get involved and enjoy it :-) |
February | 8 Feb - Visit us at the Bryandale High School Expo (starts at the end of Bryandale's school day) |
March | Waiting begins and our personal Open Day tours begin. |
April | Waiting continues (Open Day tours continue) |
May | Waiting continues (Open Day tours continue) |
June | Waiting continues (Open Day tours continue) |
July | This GDE link is
the only
place you can apply https://www.gdeadmissions.gov.za/ Applications open at 08h00 on the morning of Thursday 11 July 2024 Please download, print and Complete our Expression of Interest (EoI) form and gather together all your supporting documents (listed in the EoI). Please take special note: The GDE website may tell you you only need to upload a couple of documents online and you're done. However, this is not correct. You are required to deliver physical, certified, copies to our school, together with the completed EoI form. You must must please deliver your documents to the school's reception (after you've applied online) during school hours on weekdays. |
August | Applications close
at midnight on Wednesday 14
August 2024 extended from the
original Monday
August 2024 (read article) You have seven days (from when you apply online) to deliver your supporting documents to our school. Please download, print and Complete our Expression of Interest (EoI) form and gather together all your supporting documents (listed in the EoI). NB! If you fail to meet the seven day deadline, your application will be deemed to have been withdrawn. (Re-enrollment of current students for next year.) |
September | Acceptance offers from the GDE start
going out via SMS from 16
September 2024 These go out in batches until we are full. This process will last until 11 October so you might not get an offer on day 1. These offers EXPIRE after 7 days so don't delay in accepting if we're your school of choice. Remember, there are several lists (see below) and they are processed in order. |
October |
AGM is held and
next year's fees are approved. Please plan ahead as you will make your first fee payment of R5,000 on acceptance before the end of October. See more info on fees below. |
November | Join us
for our info and welcome
evening. |
December | Start the
textbook, stationery and uniform buying adventure. Take a holiday, enjoy the break :-) |
January | High
School starts :-) |
A few more important things for you to bear in mind: The most important thing on this page is for you to join our pre-admissions mailing list now. Once the application process has begun, visit here for documents to download and print. While our team will work tirelessly to keep applicants updated and informed, please be aware that the actual applications and placements are managed by the GDE and not us at a school. It therefore remains your responsibility to ensure the GDE has your current cell phone number as they will primarily communicate with you via SMS. Once the process goes live, you should also regularly log into their website to check on your application status, particularly later in the year. There are six different waiting lists and they are processed in the following order:
While we offer a multitude of sports and extra-mural activities, some are only available outside the school at a local club, like showjumping and soccer for example. If you have a specific query not dealt with above, please mail Admissions@Bryanston.com. * Bryanston High remains the top GDE school in our district according to the department of education. |
payment schedule, and
up-front discounts Please plan ahead as you will make your first fee payment of R5,000 on acceptance. This amount is credited to your first year's fees. Compare what some other GDE schools are charging (and their annual increases) And what 2024 fees are like at other government schools. ![]() By comparison, Bryanston High's Grade 8 fees for 2024 are only R53,200 TL;DR here is an indication of how hard our team works to keep our fees and increases as low as possible. ![]() Here is a schedule of how fees work for your five years with us: ![]() If you'd prefer to save time (and money) by paying your fees in advance, we have two very special offers for in-coming Grade 8s: 1) Pay in full before our AGM (usually held in September) and you'll pay this year's (2023) fees before any increase is applied. 2) Pay in full after the AGM but before 31 December and you'll take 5% off the new fees.. Ts & Cs: These offers are for EFT payments only (i.e. no credit cards or cash) The dates will be strictly enforced, miss the dates, lose the discount. To take up this limited-time offer, please send us a mail now. For assistance with any extra lessons needs, consider your local Kip McGrath Centre. ![]() |